Saturday, December 12, 2009


Since I started my classes in august I have not seen much of Sean. My schedule was as follows:
Monday and Wednesday- work at 4:30am, Sean drops Jaiden off at 7:30am, go home and study, play a little with Jaiden, run errands, Sean gets home, kiss his and Jaiden goodbye, go to school, come home,  kiss Jaiden goodnight, kiss Sean, study, go to sleep.
Tuesday-work at 4:30am, Sean drops Jaiden off at 7:30am, go home and study, play a little with Jaiden, run errands, Sean gets home and we get a tiny bit of time together
Thursday- work at 4:30am, Sean drops Jaiden off at 7:30am, go home and study, play a little with Jaiden, run errands, Sean gets home, kiss his and Jaiden goodbye, go to work to teach water aerobics, come home, get ready for bed, kiss all goodnight, study, sleep
Friday, Saturday, and Sunday was full of studying, cleaning the house, doing laundry, running more errands, helping other people, etc. Sunday has NOT been our day of rest. Since Sean is in the Elders Quorum he conducts every two months so he has to go to all the meetings. since people know him and he is strong, he helps move plenty people and I enjoy making dinners and goodies for friends who need them. Sean and I also got invited to be in the stake choir. After 3 hours of church and some meetings, we go to ward choir, then get home, eat, shower us all, then go to stake choir practice (which by the way is 730-915pm, right when Jaidens bedtime is) Then we come home and get ready for bed. 
All this being said, I decided to surprise Sean and decorate the vanpool van he drives. I put post-its all over it. Each post it had something written on it. It took be quite a while to write. What else do you think I did at 4:30 am at work!!! He was SUPER excited and it took him a while to take them all off before he could drive home. 
After I graduate on monday we will have SO much more time together. I am not going to know what to do with myself. Now I will actually be able to do the things I want to without worrying about homework. I can't wait to spend more time with my little family and that adore and love so much!!!

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