I totally forgot to post a few pictures of Jaiden in a few of her halloween costumes. Better late then never! Over the years Sean and I have accumulated a FEW halloween costumes for our children. Costumes that are this small are adorable are always cute no matter what they are. I tried quite a few on Jaiden when she was in excellent moods.
For our ward Halloween Trunk-or-Treat, she was a lobster. I didn't even take a picture of her. I am horrible. Then during the week of Halloween I dressed her as a princess, hot dog, and a tiger. On Halloween she was a pink leopard. I missed that picture too. This was Sean's and my FIRST halloween we actually got to spend together. All the other years he either had to work or he had school and got out late. What a better year to spend our first halloween with each other and with our new baby Jaiden!?
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