This is Sean and I in our PRIME. Let me just say first that Sean still pretty much looks like this 4 years later with a little more abs goin on! Darn him! Then again, he has not had a child grow in his belly, that we know of. Then there is me.......a whole different story. This was our last week on our honeymoon in the Bahamas at Sandals. We were the youngest couple there. When we went to karaoke night I was looking around everyone at the piano and that is when I KNEW we were no doubt the youngest couple there. It was magical. This was ONE of the greatest two weeks of our lives. It first began with us getting married in the San Diego Temple, where we then stayed the night before our honeymoon at the Beverly Hilton. There was a party going on that we wanted to crash just to see if there were any famous people in there, but we had already changed out of our wedding clothes and had on our jeans and sweatshirts. Darn. It was a great plane ride to the Bahamas and we couldn't believe we were there. Sean got is a villa suite. Our BUTLER asked us if we wanted him to unpack for us. We thought that was really weird and couldn't believe that people actually had them do that. We got butler service every day, his name was Johnnie Roy! He was fantastic! He reserved poolside seats for us everyday, made our dinner reservations, brought in cheese, crackers, and shrimp cocktail everyday around 4pm. He also turned down our bed for us each night and put roses and candles in the room. We had a giant chess set outside of our villa. Oh, and our mini fridge was re-stocked EVERY day, sometimes twice! Our third to last night we had three workers from Sandals ask us if we wanted to be in a fashion show. They told us other people staying there would be in it too. Well.....they lied. It was Sean and I and about 10 Sandals workers. Oh well! We got to choose anything from the stores to wear. It was so great! The above picture was what we picked out and got a GREAT discount on after. This is evidence of when I looked great! now I have a mom haircut and a mom body. Nothing is wrong with that, in fact, I would change getting that way for the world. I am getting back into shape and growing my hair our again! I can't wait until it is super long again, it just doesn't grow fast enough! I hope someday soon to look like this again before I get pregnant again. It is my goal to get back to this before each time I get pregnant. Wish me luck!!!!!!
Yea good luck with that one. I did get back into my same clothes size again before getting pregnant. But stuff just didn't fit the same. And a lot of good that did, it only lasted 3 months before I was impatient and growing with another baby. Ah such is life. I love it. At least working out feels great and that really is worth it, so good luck!
You can do it! In the last 2 weeks I've lost 6 of the 30ish pounds I put on since I got married. It's hard but worth it. I'm cheering you on!
Not cool tiff, why did you take a photo of maurice and I and photo shop your heads onto it. This is getting awkward!
I love hearing about your trip in more detail. Your such a champ to do this boot camp. And I lOVE your mom hair cut! Your great. I miss you
If anyone can do it you can. I've come to accept that I will just most likely never be the weight I was when I was married, but just try to stay healty and happy! Great to have goals that keep us that way!
Good luck, but I'm sure you won't need it. It just takes time....and in some cases, surgery. ;) Like you said, the mom body is worth it!Just do your best, and be happy and healthy with the body you now have.
Here's luck to you. I love you kiddos! xoxoxxo
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