was born on January 26, 2011 at 12:39 pm. She weighed in at 8 lbs. 1 oz. and was 20 inches long. I went into labor the day before with very small contractions. I went about my day, made dinner, played, and went to bed. Around 5 am the contractions started to get worse and closer together. About 730am I got up, showered and got ready for my doctors appointment. The office called to cancel my appintment because the doc that was supposed to see me had an emergency. That made my decision whether to go to the doctors or the hospital a bit easier. Off to the hospital we went. It snowed the entire night before and stopped just long enough for us to get there. They admitted me and thank goodness I was 6 cm dialated already. After being there less than 3 hours I told the doc I had to start pushing. 21 minutes later (compared to pushing with Jaiden for 2 1/2 hours), our sweet Nixie was born. My fabulous doctor actually let Sean practically deliver Nix. She helped him guide her head out and the rest was all him! So cool! I went natural again but almost didn't make it. I had the nurses start my fluids just in case I wanted an epidural but was hoping that by the time the fluids were done and ready I would be done and wouldn't need the epidural. Thank goodness made it because I enjoy being able to walk around after and feel my legs. My doctor is amazing, so were all the nurses, and naturally Sean was as he always is. Thank goodness for only pushing for 21 minutes!
Jaiden likes to pet Nix and squeeze her a little too tight. She always wants to see her baby and loves touching her tiny feet and hands, We are so blessed to have 2 adorable, healthy little girls. I look forward to them being best friends someday like my sisters are to me. I know it will be a while, but when it happens I am sure it will be wonderful! I love my sweet family so much it is difficult to express. Sean is the love of my forever, my best friend, and my everything. Jady and Nix are the lights in my life and I feel more complete than before. xoxo
I love catching these little smiles!
Another new family pic?
One of my favorites ever! So perfectly sweet!
I love your comment about being more complete than ever before. It's the truth, isn't it? Once that new little baby is here, it's like, "Where have you been? I've missed you!" I'm so glad that your delivery was smooth! I look forward to holding this new little baby soon. Congrats!
Oh so sweet! So quick! I hope to do it natural next time! Your a champion! Hope to see you sometime this year!
Sweet little Nix! I LOVE that one of Jady checking her out. Too cute!
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