Friday, December 3, 2010

NOT down with the sickness

So basically I will try to sum up the events of this past thanksgiving weekend. I will try not to go into too many details as they are not very pretty and not all want to hear them. Then again, if you choose to continue to read this (if anyone does) it's your own fault.
Starting friday morning I felt pretty crappy. I felt a sore throat coming on. I can't stand sore throats. Then as the day went on I came down with a fever. Then my body got super achy. Crap, the flu. Great, this is all I need to start a great weekend with Sean and Jaiden. It all carried over until sunday. I couldn't eat, I couldn't sleep, I was a mess. I was so dehydrated because I couldn't even swallow my own spit. Ew! I was supposed to teach a great lesson in church on sunday and a wonderful Sister Keck told me she would do it and to stay home. She is an angel. I got so bummed because I read and think about my lesson for like a month. Anyways, Sean and Jaiden went to church and I attempted to sleep. Since this sleep didn't happen I just laid there, no tv, no movie, no music, just there. I was cold, I was hot, I was sweating, I was blah! When Sean got home he decided to call the hospital and talk with the nurse. For pregnant women, sickness sucks, and not eating or sleeping and being achy makes it 10x worse. boo! The nurse called my doctor, relayed all my symptoms, then told me to go to the ER. We loaded in the car, Sean had to wake poor Jaiden from her nap, and we were on our way. I would barely talk or keep my eyes open. I was a zombie. I hadn't eaten, cooked, cleaned, changed a diaper, nothing for three days. Since Sean is amazing, he did it ALL and so much more.
When we got to the doctors they sent me to labor and delivery. Great. I can't stand hospitals in the first place. There I was in a room for 2 hours before Sean and Jaiden could even come it. They did a million tests: swabs, exams, gave me 3 bags of fluids, had to do my IV twice because it was put in wrong the first time and therefore my wrist swelled up with fluids. I had 4 residences come in all at different times trying to somewhat tell me what's going on. Only to find out a bit later they can't get into my records and I was sent to the wrong hospital. Even thought the Johns Hopkins hospitals are connected in some way, they are not. So here I was this complete stranger to anyone. For all they knew I was just off the street and pregnant.
After hours and hours of nothing, 5 nurses later, I got Ms. Liz. She was amazing. A mom type and made me feel more comfortable and at eezzzzz. She put my socks on for me, she changed the room temp, she covered my pillows, put a sheet on my bed instead of that gross paper that serves no purpose others then letting Jaiden color on it with crayons. Ms. Liz, I love you.
After about 9 hours I got a CT scan in my throat. I had an abcest in my there that was causing all this swelling and part of the pain. Oh, and I had very bad strep throat. Great. After 11 hours, the ENT came in and gave me the scoop. Finally someone who was confident at what was going on and could possibly help.
As I sat up in bed he numbed my throat with a huge needle, then took junk out with the needle and showed me. He said,"pretty cool, huh?" Sure. Only an ENT would think it was cool. Ew! Then he took a surgical knife, cut the abcest in my throat that was right in front of my tonsils, took plier things, spread the incision apart OVER AND OVER again to make sure it was clear. All in the mean time I suctioned my own blood out and spit when he told me to. This gave me back my killer headache that went to my throat down my neck, up my ear, and all through my head. He said if it comes back I will have to get my tonsils removed. Nice. Within an hour we FINALLY got discharged. So from 330pm to 330am Johns Hopkins Balitmore Hopsital was my home. Poor Sean and Jaiden. It was horrible. Mostly for them I think. I just laid there doing nothing.
My fever is now gone, I can talk normal, I can pretty much eat and drink normal, Nixie is happy in my belly, and I am on the road to recovery. Besides the gross opening in my mouth and having to gargle all day long, I am good. What a weekend. Man, I am hoping to make up for it this weekend with Christmas tree lightings, temple visits, and a neighborhood Christmas party to boot. So goes life!


Anonymous said...

OH MY GOSH! That is terrible sweet lady! Wow what a miserable experience. I'm glad you are feeling better and hope the rest of the year makes up for the bummer Thanksgiving!
Love ya

Kimbur said...

you are a trooper!

Maurice&Tash said...

ok Tiff, why is it that whenever we go to the hospital it's always at least two to three hours. I am with you, can't stand it!

Holls said...

You poor thing!! I'm so glad you're on the road to recovery. I couldn't even imagine. Ew!