This little girl has been the light of my life since before she was even born. I did all I could to make sure I nurtured her while baking her in my oven. Since the day she came out all I can do is stare, love, and kiss her all day. Today while we were playing I was watching and listening to her read her books that she loves. She has such pazazz and personality. She is learning and growing so fast right before my eyes. I started just bawling by eyes out for about 10 minutes straight. She looked at me like I might be crazy, but then after a few minutes she came right up to me, gave me a hug and kissed my cheek with her sweet slobbery little lips. How did she know I needed that? How could an almost 18 month old know that doing something so simple made everything better. I cried because pretty soon she won't need me to help her up and down the stairs to make sure she doesn't fall, she won't need me to change her diapers and bathe her, she will be able to fully feed herself, read her own books, tuck herself in, she won't cry as much when she barely bonks her head on something, and she won't need me to carry her into bed. Soon she will take her own showers, go up and down the stairs freely, climb in and out of the chair to eat meals, put on her own clothes, and all that comes along with it. Jaiden is growing more each time I blink my eyes. I knew it would go fast, as everyone warned me, but I didn't know it would go THIS fast. Somedays she needs me more than others, but each day I need her. It will never stop needing her and I will always want her around. I know in one way or another she will always need me, but for different things and reasons. She will always bring smiles to my face and light to my days. She is my sunshine, my little girl, my baby.
(The day little girl was born)
(The smile that never stops shining)
I am and forever will be grateful to call her my daughter and to be her mother. Although each day I am exhausted, with exhaustion comes more love and more happiness. I love you my little Jaiden Lily!
Isn't it CRAZY how quick it goes and how NOW we realize how our parents feel about us. And how it will take years for our children to understand how they mean the world to us. You are one amazing mommy!
I felt the exact same way with Abi. Especially, since when Abi was 18 months old, we were expecting a new baby in just a few weeks. I felt like I wasn't going to have enough time for her, when she still needed me so much. Now, I have just learned to appreciate each and every stage. They DO grow so quickly, but each stage brings a new round of love and need. It sure keeps me on my toes!
Your post reminds me of that book "I'l Love You Forever." Is that what it's called? The one you put in my stocking one year that makes anyone who reads it bawl their eyes out? Yup, that's what I thought. Xoxo!
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