Monday, January 18, 2010


How much laundry can 2 1/2 people have in one week you ask??? Well, not counting the cloth diapers I wash every other day or so (thank goodness they only take one load), THIS MUCH! How can we dirty this many clothes. Granted it was the weekend so we went to the pool, went running, were outside most of the time getting hot and dirty, and had guests over using towels,, sheets, and more. Jaiden has an excuse, she is a wee little one and goes through 1-3 outfits a day. Usually just one, however, when I am not as anal about her getting so dirty, that is when the other one or two outfits come in. It really doesn't matter with her because her clothes are so small and even if her basket is filled it is still just one load. But what is up with Sean and I? Sean goes through about 3-4 outfits a day. He doesn't mean to, it just happens this way. He has the clothes he slept in, which he tries to reuse about 2-3 nights(besides the underwear, don't worry), then his uniform with his black under shirt, then his workout clothes (sometimes two sets, depending on how many time he worked out), sometimes his church clothes when he has meetings, and his casual clothes he wears before going to bed. Mine all depends on what Jaiden and I did each day. Sometimes we go to the pool, the park, or she just throws food or wipes boogers and snot on me. Other times we go running, workout at home, I stay in my pajamas occasionally, etc. I just don't get it. I have done about 4-8 loads a week, still not counting diapers, and it drives me crazy. We have one load of whites, Jaiden's regular clothes, bedding, and 2-3 loads of darks. I would like a maid please, if it wouldn't be too much trouble. My goal is to get down to one load of whites, no more then two dark loads, and Jaiden's clothes. Still seems like a lot, but I can handle that better. We will see. 

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Holy Moly girl!!! Better call Merry maids!