So yesterday Jaiden and I walked to the education center here on base to turn in some paperwork. Also to see when I get to graduate. (by the way, I get to in December if things go as planned) Anyways, we walked there, then on the way back stopped at the commissary and then the BX. When we got home, Sean came home to say hi and then was off to the gym. On his way there I was getting ready to put Jaiden down for a nap. I couldn't find her favorite blanket. So, I called Sean and caught him before he went into the gym. I asked him to just stop by the education center when he was done working out to see if i was there. He insisted to go right away before he worked out. While he was looking, I looked all over downstairs and all upstairs. I thought perhaps I left it in the bathroom before we left the education center. Sean completely retraced each step I took. He parked at the BX, got out of the car and walked every step I did and back. He asked just about everyone he saw or every person that worked at each place he went to. After an hour, we called me and told me he had no luck. So as I said, well, ok, it is just a blanket, I came up to our room and there it was on our bed! i didn't even take it with me and it was on our bed from when I brought Jaiden into our room.
This is just an example of how awesome Sean is! He went totally out of his way and went above and beyond, as he always does. I am so thankful for him and all that he does, even when it is just silly. Sometimes I am just ridiculous, but he still supports my craziness and loves me reguardless. I am sure there will be more to come as far as situations like this go. Thank you Seanie! I love you! You are the great husband, daddy, and friend ever!!!
You better say he's the best after all that!!
You two are great for each other! xo
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