Wednesday, April 1, 2009

A Better Day

Yesterday was a better day! All days are good days, some just happen to be more difficult then others. Yesterday was much better. It is hard to hear Jaiden cry, but sometimes I just have to let her. When she cries it makes me feel horrible, but I know if I pick her up every second she does, she will expect that everytime. Yesterdays morning started out like the one before. It seemed to be going well but then she only went down for a nap for 30 minutes. I told myself that it was going to be a better day and that the hard day before wasn't going to repeat itself. I ended up holding her in the sling and carrier for most of the day, but she sure did get a great nap and I was able to get at least a few things done. Like I said before, everyday is a good day, we just have to keep believing that and make it that way.


Benincosa Bylines said...

This is an adorable picture!

Anonymous said...

This is the my favorite picture of you two. I love that I get to finally read this and watch how beautiful you are as you sleep. I wholeeheartedly appreciate all that you do Love! Forever yours, Chouie