Jaiden Lily Bruderer!
She is finally here at last! Jaiden was born on Feb. 18, 2009, at 3:20pm. She weighed in at 7 lbs. 10.5 ounces. She has long, soft, beautiful black hair. Thank you Sean for that head of hair. She was 18 inches long.
I went into labor tuesday night after our birthing class. We went to get a cooler to take to the hospital and a headband to control my hair during labor. While waiting in line my back was hurting so bad. I just figured it was regular back pain, although it hurt 5 times more. We went to bed that night. I started hurting real bad at about midnight. I thought I just had a real bad stomach ache. Well, at about 2:30am I just lay there for about an hour. At about 3:30am I finally got out of bed to go downstairs. I thought maybe I was in fake labor. So I searched the internet and found that it could be either fake or real. I didn't really think that I was actually in labor. So I pulled up biggest loser on the internet and watched all two hours of it. I didn't want to wake Sean, so I just tried to rest it off. At about 5:30am I lit some candles and tried to relax in the bath. That lasted about 5 minutes. I went downstairs to call the nurse advice line to see if I should come in or not. I could not get a hold of them because it was way after hours. Sean woke up at about 6am and found me curled up by the couch downstairs. I told him I couldn't take the pain anymore and that I thought I might be in labor. He got everything together and about 7am we were on our way to the hospital. It took forever due to morning traffic. He got us around all the cars as we called my mom and a few other people including a phone call to cancel my dentist appointment to tell them we just may not make it. We finally got there, where I was greeted by a nurse with a wheelchair. She took me in and they checked me to see if they were going to admit you. They won't admit you unless you are at least 4 cm dialated. I was taken into care by Dr. Gaskins and Midwife, Ms. Rosemary. I was 5 cm! Hooray! I was then taken to a labor room where they too vitals and set up a bath for me. I didn't want an epidural, so I went natural! wow, was I in for a whirlwind of pain! By this time it was about 8am and I was in the tub. It was really hot and felt nice at first. Then it was just too hot after all the contractions. After an hour I finally got out and made my way to the bed. I was 7cm. Then a little after Ms. Rosemary broke my water. The contractions got 10X as strong. An hour or two later, who really knows, I started pushing. I pushed for two hours and then the most beautiful baby girl came into this world. Ms. Rosemary guided her head out and Sean caught the rest of her and lay her on my tummy. She didn't cry much and was just looked around. As soon as she heard Seans voice she looked right at him. She must have known it right away. I pushed so hard and so much that my eyes were swollen shut almost. Sean cut the ambilicle chord. It was amazing and worth all the pain in the world.
The entire time Sean made sure I had ice and water and kept offering my jolly ranchers. I am pretty sure he went through much of the bag. We are all doing great and are comfy at home. It is amazing and we just stare at her all day long. She loves being on her tummy when we hold her, she is already holding her head up really well. We were laying around watching her this morning. She laughed and smiled! It was the greatest sound in the world! Thank you Jaiden for choosing us as your parents, we are so blessed, thankful, and the happiest we have ever been! XOXOXO
She is way cute! I can't believe you pushed for 2 hours! Yikes! Good for you with the cloth diapers. And, CONGRATULATIONS Sean on graduating! Good luck with the MCAT.
Cant wait to meet her!
I LOVE my lovlies. Congratulations to you all. You are the most beautiful family on the planet. I love you all. xo
Yeah!! I can't wait to meet the little sweet pea! Congrats Tiff! Love you to pieces!
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